Brussels, known as Bruxelles in French, is the capital of Belgium and is often referred to as the European Capital due to its status as the headquarters of the European Union.
They say Brussels is the most boring city in Europe, which might lead you to believe that a visit will not provide an excellent experience and that you only need half a day to explore it. However, I honestly disagree.
In fact, there are numerous attractions in Brussels that require at least one day to fully explore. I would like to share some must-visit spots for your trip to Brussels.
他們說,布魯塞爾是歐洲最無聊的城市,不要指望布魯塞爾會在那兒擁有出色的體驗,而且只需要花半天的時間就可以參觀布魯塞爾。 實際上,有很多景點,至少需要一天的時間才能遊覽整個城市。 接下來想分享一些我覺得去布魯塞爾時必須參觀的景點。
Grand Place
Brussels’ main square is composed of numerous impressive guild houses, and it is known as the most beautiful square in the world, as described by Victor Hugo, the famous French novelist.
As you can see, it is surrounded by many guild houses, including the Hotel de Ville, Maison du Roi, Maison des Ducs de Brabant, Le Pigeon, Le Renard, Le Cornet, and Le Roy d’Espagne, respectively.
如你所見,它周圍環繞著許多公會軟管,分別是Hotel de Ville,Maison du Roi,Maison des Ducs de Brabant,Le Pigeon,Le Renard,Le Cornet和Le Roy’d’Espagne。

If you’re interested in architecture, take a closer look at each roof, which features a statue. You will then appreciate the subtleties of European architecture, characterized by its beautifully carved stone and bronze elements.
如果你對建築很感興趣,那你可以仔細查看每個屋頂,上面有一個雕像。 因此,你會知道到歐洲建築的精妙之處,那就是奇妙的石材和青銅雕刻。
*Metro : Bourse, lines 3 and 4.
*Tram : Bourse, lines 31, 32 and 33.
*Bus : Bourse, lines 48 and 95; Gare Centrale, lines 38, 65, 71 and 86.
Everard t’Serclaes
Just off La Grand Place stands the bronze statue of Everard t’Serclaes, renowned for bringing good luck to those who touch its arm. Everard was the Lord of Kruikenburg and was killed during the fifteenth century while defending Brussels.
在大廣場(La Grand Place)附近是Everard t’Serclaes的青銅雕像,以為碰手臂的人帶來好運而聞名。 埃弗拉德(Everard)是克魯肯堡(Kruikenburg)的國王,在15世紀捍衛布魯塞爾時被殺。
*Metro : Bourse, lines 3 and 4.
*Tram : Bourse, lines 31, 32 and 33.
*Bus : Bourse, lines 48 and 95; Gare Centrale, lines 38, 65, 71 and 86.
Manneken Pis
The Manneken Pis is one of the most iconic symbols of Brussels, created in 1388.
it served as the means by which many Bruxellois received water. This small bronze statue, measuring 50 cm, depicts a naked boy urinating into a fountain’s basin. It is situated in the historic part of town, between Rue de L’Étuve and Rue Chene, adjacent to the Grand Place.
There are three stories about Manneken Pis. The first tale recounts how a little boy extinguished a fire with his urine, thereby saving the city from destruction. The second story involves a battle in Ransbeke, where the two-year-old Lord (Duke Godfrey III of Leuven) was hung from a tree in a basket to bring good fortune to his troops. While they fought against the enemy, he urinated on their ranks, contributing to their defeat. The third story tells of a nobleman’s son who abandoned a procession to urinate on the wall of a witch’s house. Enraged by his behavior, the witch transformed him into a statue.
Therefore, the Manneken Pis has become one of the most important landmarks in Brussels. In fact, the Peeing Boy is quite small, measuring only 53 cm, which you might easily overlook amidst the crowd of people standing there to take pictures.
它最初是許多布魯塞爾接收水的手段。這是一尊小銅像,長50厘米,代表一個小裸男在小便池裡撒尿。它位於小鎮的老城區,在rue de L’Étuve和rue Chene之間,毗鄰大廣場。
*Metro : Bourse, lines 3 and 4.
*Tram : Bourse, lines 31, 32 and 33.
*Bus : Bourse, lines 48 and 95; Gare Centrale, lines 38, 65, 71 and 86.
Galeries St. Hubert
After admiring the architecture of the Grand Place in Brussels, you can visit the Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert, which features boutiques, chocolate shops, and excellent restaurants. This arcade was designed in 1847, making it the first glazed shopping arcade in Europe, and it remains one of the most impressive and elegant to this day.
Honestly, I don’t like this arcade very much. As you can see, there is a lot of clutter in the pictures. Therefore, I only took one photo and left without exploring any of the stores.
在欣賞了布魯塞爾大廣場的建築之後,你可以來到皇家聖休伯特畫廊,那裡有精品店,巧克力和一流的餐廳。 這座拱廊的設計始於1847年,是歐洲第一個上釉的購物拱廊,如今仍然是最令人印象深刻且優雅的。
老實說,我不太喜歡這個購物拱廊,因為從照片裡,你就可以看到很多垃圾。 因此,我只在那兒拍了一張照片,就沒有走進裡面的店裡看看了。
*Address : Galerie du Roi 5, 1000 Brussel
*Time : 24 hr
Galeries St. Hubert
The Cathédrale des Saints Michel et Gudule is one of the most significant monuments in Brussels. It was constructed in the Gothic style at the beginning of the thirteenth century, built upon the foundations of an eleventh-century Romanesque church. The cathedral took three hundred years to complete and has been well-preserved, as it underwent a comprehensive restoration between 1983 and 1989.
I spent some time admiring the cathedral from the inside rather than the outside. The style of the stained glass windows is quite modern, and I appreciate the details, especially considering that it was restored in 1989.
這座聖米歇爾教堂和古杜勒大教堂是布魯塞爾最重要的古蹟之一,它在十三世紀初以哥特式風格建造,建立於十一世紀的羅馬式教堂的基礎上。 實際的大教堂用了300多年的時間才完成。 它是完全保存的,因為在1983年至1989年之間已完全恢復。
我花了一些時間欣賞大教堂的內部。 彩色玻璃窗的字體非常現代,我超喜歡裡面的細節,完全不敢相信他是在1989年進行修復的。
*Address : Place Sainte-Gudule, 1000 Bruxelles
*Hours :
Mon – Fri 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Sat 7:30 AM – 15:30PM
Sun 2PM – 6 PM
Parc de Bruxelles
The Parc de Bruxelles, also known as the Royal Park, was once the royal hunting grounds and is now one of the main recreational areas for the city’s residents.
The Parc de Bruxelles, also known as the Royal Park, is the largest urban park in the center of Brussels. Although it is not comparable in size to Hyde Park in London or the Tuileries Garden in Paris, it serves as a popular destination for both Belgians and tourists seeking relaxation and leisurely strolls.
古老的皇家狩獵場-布魯塞爾公園(Parc de Bruxelles)也被稱為皇家公園,是該市居民使用的主要休閒場所之一。
布魯塞爾公園也被稱為皇家公園,它是布魯塞爾市中心最大的城市公園。 儘管它的大小無法與倫敦的海德公園(Hyde Park)或巴黎的杜樂麗花園(Tuileries Garden)相提並論,但許多比利時人和外國人還是在這裡放鬆身心並散步。
*Hours :
Mon – Sun 6:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Palais Royal de Bruxelles
Although it has been more than a century since the Belgian royal family resided there, the Royal Palace of Brussels continues to serve as the headquarters of the Belgian constitutional monarchy. However, the palace has not been the official royal residence since 1831, when the King of Belgium decided to relocate to the Royal Palace of Laeken, located on the outskirts of Brussels.
The Royal Palace of Brussels is different from Buckingham Palace in London, which has a ceremonial changing of the guard. However, you can still appreciate the building’s magnificence, as construction of the Palace began in the early nineteenth century. If you wish to visit the interior, the best time to come is during the summer when you can explore the beautiful rooms. During my visit to Brussels in the spring, I was unable to tour the inside of the palace, so I only took pictures of the exterior.
比利時王室居住至今已有一個多世紀,但布魯塞爾皇宮仍然是比利時君主立憲制的總部。 但是自1831年比利時國王決定搬遷至布魯塞爾郊區的萊肯皇家宮殿以來,宮殿就不再是官方的皇家住所。
布魯塞爾皇宮並不像倫敦的白金漢宮有換崗的儀式,但是您可以欣賞一下這座建築的壯麗之處,這座宮殿的建造始於90世紀初。 如果你想參觀內部,那可可以在夏天來到這裡,參觀內部,我想一定是會很壯觀的。 我在春天訪問布魯塞爾時,無法在宮殿內參觀,所以我只在外面照相。
*Address : Rue Brederode 16, 1000 Bruxelles
*Hours :
7/23 – 8/25
Tue – Sun 10:30 AM – 5 PM
*Ticket : Free
What symbol represents Paris? I guarantee that you will first mention the Eiffel Tower. However, the Atomium serves as the iconic image of the Belgian capital; it was designed as the symbol and main pavilion of the Brussels World Fair in 1958.
It reminded me of my high school chemistry class, which felt like a bad dream for me, as I could never understand what an atom was. Despite this nightmare, I still appreciate this architecture, as I believe it was not easy to construct.
Inside the Atomium, there are both permanent and temporary exhibitions within each sphere. Among the permanent exhibitions, the 1958 Expo display is particularly noteworthy, featuring documents, videos, photographs, and much more. Additionally, the top sphere houses a restaurant.
代表巴黎的是什麼建築呢? 我想你應該會說艾菲爾鐵塔,相對,而這座原子塔就是比利時首都的形象。 它被設計為1958年布魯塞爾世界博覽會的標誌和主要展館。
它使我想起了高中化學課,這對我來說就像一個噩夢,我始終無法理解什麼是原子。 除了這一噩夢,我仍然喜歡這種建築,因為我在建構的時候,肯定不容易。
在這個原子室內,每個球體內都有永久性和臨時性展覽。 在永久性展覽中,值得一提的是1958年世博會,其中包括文件,視頻,照片等等,並且在頂層還有一間餐廳。
*Address : Square de l’Atomium, 1020 Bruxelles
*Hours :
Mon – Sun 10 AM – 6 PM
Restaurant Mon – Sun 10 AM – 11 PM
*Ticket :
Adults: €
Seniors (over 65): € 13
Students, Children (taller than 115cm and younger than 17): € 8
Children (smaller than 115 cm tall): free entry
Mont des Arts
Situated between the Place Royale and the Grand Place, the Mont des Arts connects downtown with uptown Brussels. The Mont des Arts features a charming garden, which I won’t dwell on for too long. However, the view before you is truly mesmerizing, particularly enchanting at sunset.
Mont des Arts位於皇家廣場和大廣場之間,將市區與布魯塞爾上城區連接起來。藝術山是一個小花園,在這裡不會花費太多時間。但是,眼前的風景絕對令人著迷,尤其是日落時分。
Parc du Cinquantenaire
The Cinquantenaire and its park are often overlooked tourist attractions, yet they are among the most iconic landmarks in Brussels. The palace and arch were constructed to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of Belgium’s independence. Currently, the building is home to three museums: Autoworld, the Royal Military Museum, and the Cinquantenaire Museum.
It’s unfortunate that this time I only spent one day in Brussels, as I didn’t have enough time to visit the museums.
五十週年紀念公園及其公園是一個經常被忽視的旅遊景點,但它是布魯塞爾最具代表性的建築之一。建造宮殿和拱門是為了紀念比利時獨立國五十週年。 目前,該建築擁有三個博物館:汽車世界,皇家軍事博物館和五十週年紀念博物館。
To be honest, when you compare Brussels to other major cities such as London, Paris, and Amsterdam, it may seem relatively boring. However, each city has its own unique character, and I hope you have a wonderful trip to Brussels.
老實說,如果將布魯塞爾與倫敦,巴黎和阿姆斯特丹等其他大城市進行比較,那會比較無聊。 但是每個城市的原始風格完全不同,希望你在布魯塞爾過得愉快。