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“Why isn’t there an elevator in my apartment building? I have to walk up several flights of stairs!”
When you arrive in Paris, you may feel excited and eager to explore the city. However, after a long flight, when you finally reach your accommodation, you might think you can take a short rest. Instead, you will encounter numerous stairs before reaching your room, and you may find yourself thinking, “Why isn’t there an elevator in my apartment building? I have to walk up multiple flights of stairs!”
This is the lament of the beleaguered traveler who is dismayed to discover that they must carry heavy bags up several flights of stairs before enjoying a well-deserved nap after a long flight. Now, I will share a brief history of the stairs in Paris.
當你到達巴黎時,我相信你會充滿熱情地參觀它; 但是,當你經過長途飛行後到達住宿地時,你會想你終於可以稍微休息了,但是在你到達房間之前,你會看到很多樓梯,你一定會冒出這句話:「為什麼我的公寓樓裡沒有電梯嗎? 我必須走多個樓梯!」
這是飽受折磨的旅行者的哀嘆,他們沮喪地發現,他們必須在長途飛行後打個頓睡之前,必須將沉重的行李抬上幾個台階。而 現在,我將告訴你一些巴黎樓梯的歷史。
Upward mobility and the social standing of stairs

Paris was a rather dismal place in the mid-19th century. The medieval streets twisted aimlessly through dark, leaning buildings, and the roads were often barely wide enough for a single cart to pass. In 1853, Napoleon III appointed Georges-Eugène Haussmann to open, unify, and beautify Paris. The sweeping style and intricate filigree that characterize Parisian architecture today are largely the result of Haussmann’s efforts. With this new architectural order came a new social order, and the staircases of the new buildings played a central role in this transformation.
巴黎在19世紀中葉是一個令人沮喪的地方。中世紀的街道漫無目的地蜿蜒穿過黑暗而傾斜的建築物,而且道路的寬度通常幾乎不足以使一輛手推車橫穿。 1853年,拿破崙三世任命喬治·豪斯曼(George Haussmann)開張,統一和裝飾巴黎。當今巴黎建築的典型風格和精緻的花絲在很大程度上是奧斯曼作品的結晶。隨著新的建築秩序出現了新的社會秩序,新建築的樓梯在很大程度上居於中心。
The art and personality of Paris stairs

Several centuries after the practical motivations behind Georges Haussmann’s staircases, Parisians have transformed their staircases into an art form.
幾個世紀以來,由於喬治·豪斯曼(George Haussmann)樓梯的實用動機,巴黎人將樓梯變成了一種藝術形式。

The traditional Parisian staircase features a set of functional steps designed in a classic style, devoid of unnecessary embellishments. This wooden staircase maintains simplicity with its basic railing and wooden steps, while infusing vibrancy and energy through its striking red paint and carpet. Large windows illuminate the space, and the twisting bannister beckons to anyone who has ever wondered what it would be like to slide down the entire length.
Why don't we have an elevator now?

Many visitors to Paris are surprised to discover that there are very few elevators in the city, even in the 21st century. While an increasing number of buildings now have elevators, not all of them do. Additionally, it is important to note that elevators in Paris are generally much smaller than those in Asia. This is primarily because most Parisian elevators were installed decades after the buildings were constructed.