A must-see spot for couples in Paris.
Everyone says Paris is the most romantic city in the world, where you can find the Love You Wall, a work of art conceived by Frédéric Baron and Claire Kito. This iconic installation is a must-see for couples visiting Paris from all over the globe.
每個人都說巴黎是最浪漫的城市,所以在這裡你可以找到這座由弗雷德里克·巴倫(FrédéricBaron)和克萊爾·基托(Claire Kito)所構思的藝術品“我愛你的牆”,這是世界各地來巴黎旅遊的情侶必去的地方 。

The wall, which covers a surface area of 40 m², is made up of 612 squares of enameled lava, featuring the phrase love you 311 times in 250 languages.
Do you recognize the phrase you know?
I have seen the Chinese, Korean, and Japanese versions.
As a matter of fact, I don’t know what the red part is doing here until I understand the meaning behind this artwork. The splashes of red on the fresco represent fragments of a broken heart, symbolizing the human race that has been torn apart and which the wall attempts to bring back together. This unusual monument, dedicated to love, is located in the square at Place des Abbesses in Montmartre.
The story of wall

In 1992, Frédéric Baron envisioned a world tour dedicated to couples. This journey would culminate in a celebration on the streets of Paris. Initially, he asked his brother, followed by foreign neighbors, to write the phrase love you in their respective languages. As a result, he collected 1,000 expressions of love written in over 300 languages and dialects.
With the assistance of calligrapher Claire Kitto, he compiled all these verses and planned to reproduce them. He then commissioned an artist who specializes in painting windows to create his work. However, this art has only recently appeared in Paris, the city of remarkable lovers.
在書法家克萊爾·基托(Claire Kitto)的幫助下,他組裝了所有這些經文,並設想在牆上複製它們。然後,他將作品的創作委託給了一位專門研究粉刷牆壁的藝術家。而然這個藝術作品就在巴黎這個浪漫城市出現了!

I will probably not be alone next time.
Every time I come here, I always see many couples waiting to take photos together, creating wonderful memories in this beautiful place. Sometimes, I feel a twinge of jealousy that they have found each other and are enjoying an amazing trip in this romantic city. While I desire a great partner to share my life with, I don’t want to waste time in a wrong relationship. I believe that fate will lead me to meet him one day. Until then, I will strive to become the best version of myself. Fate determines who enters your life, but your actions decide who stays.
每次我來到這裡,總能看到很多夫妻等著合影留念,因為他們可以在這裡留下美好的回憶。 有時候我有點嫉妒他們,因為他們遇見了對方,並且在這個浪漫的城市裡有一段美好的回憶。 儘管我希望有一個很好的戀人可以和我在一起,但我不想浪費時間與錯誤的戀人在一起。 因為命運將帶我去見他一天。 在見到他之前,我會盡力成為一個更好的我。 因為命運決定了誰進入了你的生活,而行動決定了誰留下了。

Love is the bond that allows you to remain together for eternity.
For me, love is distinct from liking someone. In every relationship, I find it difficult to say, love you. Love means being able to hold each other’s hands forever, even as you grow old together. No matter what challenges arise, you won’t let go of each other’s hands.
對我而言,我認為愛不同於喜歡,所以在每個關係中,我不容易說“我愛你”。 對我來說「愛」是你們可以永遠會握著彼此的手,直到你們變老。 無論發生什麼困難,都不會放開她/他的手。
*Telephone : +33 6 77 06 81 38
*Address : Square Jehan Rictus, Place des Abbesses, 75018 Paris,
*Hours : Monday – Sunday 8 a.m – 5:30 p.m