
How to Reach the Top of Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris

Step inside the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, and you will be transported into a realm of Gothic grandeur and timeless spirituality. The interior of this iconic cathedral is a masterpiece of medieval architecture, adorned with awe-inspiring details that captivate visitors from the moment they enter.



Kerry Park: The Best Spot to Experience Seattle’s Iconic Skyline

From this iconic vantage point, you will witness the city skyline in all its glory, with the dazzling Space Needle standing tall against a backdrop of shimmering skyscrapers. But it’s not just the skyline that captivates; the vibrant hues of sunset transition into the cool blues and golds of night, creating a picture-perfect scene that feels almost cinematic.



Sky Garden in London

If I have the opportunity, I would like to admire the city from a height whenever I visit another country. Therefore, I don’t want to miss this chance when I visit London. There are several ways to do this. The first option is to dine in a fine restaurant and enjoy the beautiful views. The second option is to spend some money to climb to the top floor of a church for a panoramic view of the city. However, if you are on a budget, like I am, then you definitely cannot miss the Sky Garden. It offers a 360-degree view of this beautiful city, and all you need to do is register online in advance.

每到其他國家或城市時,如果有機會我最喜歡到高處欣賞來這個城市!既然難得來到倫敦一趟,怎能錯過鳥瞰這美麗的城市呢。想要到高處欣賞美麗的城市,不外乎就是到高級餐廳去用餐,邊欣賞美景 ; 或者花個錢登上教堂的頂樓去環看市景。

但如果你跟我一樣,這次的旅行是走省錢路線,那今天跟大家分享的 Sky Garden 就絕對不要錯過它!Sky Garden 完全不用花上一毛錢,就能免費登35樓360度鳥瞰倫敦景觀,只需要提前上網登記就行了。


Athens – Transportation – from airport to city centre, metro, bus.

The revival of Europe’s classical capital has attracted numerous artists, curators, and digital nomads. Athens, the capital and largest city of Greece, is also one of the oldest cities in the world.

Now, I will share the modes of transportation I used in Athens. Although there are only three subway lines in the city, the main tourist attractions are within walking distance, making the subway and Lime scooters sufficient for getting around.
歐洲古典首都的複興吸引了許多藝術家,策展人和數字游牧民族。 然而,雅典是希臘的首都和最大城市,並且是世界上最古老的城市之一。現在,我將分享我在雅典使用的交通工具。 儘管雅典只有3條地鐵線,但主要的旅遊景點並不遠,乘坐地鐵、走路和騎電動滑板車就很足夠了。


9 Must-Visit Landmarks in Athens

As one of the oldest cities in the world, Athens, Greece, offers a wealth of incredible places to explore. It is a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts, featuring a remarkable array of majestic ruins, including the world-famous Acropolis and the Ancient Agora, among others. Additionally, the city boasts charming neighborhoods, breathtaking viewpoints, and a variety of museums, all while being ideally situated for fantastic day trips throughout Greece. In this guide, I will share some must-visit viewpoints that you should not miss when traveling to Athens.

作為世界上最古老的城市之一,希臘雅典有許多令人難以置信的景點。 這是歷史愛好者不容錯過的旅行目的地,這裡有眾多雄偉的遺跡,包括舉世聞名的雅典衛城,古集市等。此外,這座城市還擁有古樸的街區,迷人的景點和博物館 ,並且地理位置優越,非常適合在希臘各地進行一日遊。 接下來,分享一些我覺得雅典時必須去的景點。


Top 5 Scenic Viewpoints to Admire Athens from Above

我是一個喜歡從高處俯瞰整個城市的人,在去其他國家之前,我總是會查哪裏可以從高處欣賞城市風景的地方。 例如,在台北,你可以去台北101或象山; 在巴黎,可以去凱旋門、艾菲爾鐵塔或北聖母院的頂部; 在倫敦,你則可以免費進入空中花園。 







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