
3 things you should know about Paris’s stairs

這是飽受折磨的旅行者的哀嘆,他們沮喪地發現,他們必須在長途飛行後打個頓睡之前,必須將沉重的行李抬上幾個台階。而 現在,我將告訴你一些巴黎樓梯的歷史

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Netflix : Emily in Paris – 真實的巴黎

After the launch of the Netflix series “Emily in Paris‘’, it became unexpectedly popular. The producer, Darren Star, deliberately transformed “Sex in the city” into a Paris version. However, the French audience found the series distasteful. This raises the question: what is the true essence of Paris?

Netflix劇集《Emily in Paris》開播後,意料之中地大受歡迎,製作人Darren Star有意將《Sex in the city》打造成巴黎版,但法國人看了這部影集,一直嫌棄到不行啊!今天就來說說,到底什麼是真實的巴黎