If I have the opportunity, I would like to admire the city from a height whenever I visit another country. Therefore, I don’t want to miss this chance when I visit London. There are several ways to do this. The first option is to dine in a fine restaurant and enjoy the beautiful views. The second option is to spend some money to climb to the top floor of a church for a panoramic view of the city. However, if you are on a budget, like I am, then you definitely cannot miss the Sky Garden. It offers a 360-degree view of this beautiful city, and all you need to do is register online in advance.
每到其他國家或城市時,如果有機會我最喜歡到高處欣賞來這個城市!既然難得來到倫敦一趟,怎能錯過鳥瞰這美麗的城市呢。想要到高處欣賞美麗的城市,不外乎就是到高級餐廳去用餐,邊欣賞美景 ; 或者花個錢登上教堂的頂樓去環看市景。
但如果你跟我一樣,這次的旅行是走省錢路線,那今天跟大家分享的 Sky Garden 就絕對不要錯過它!Sky Garden 完全不用花上一毛錢,就能免費登35樓360度鳥瞰倫敦景觀,只需要提前上網登記就行了。