After the launch of the Netflix series “Emily in Paris‘’, it became unexpectedly popular. The producer, Darren Star, deliberately transformed “Sex in the city” into a Paris version. However, the French audience found the series distasteful. This raises the question: what is the true essence of Paris?
Netflix劇集《Emily in Paris》開播後,意料之中地大受歡迎,製作人Darren Star有意將《Sex in the city》打造成巴黎版,但法國人看了這部影集,一直嫌棄到不行啊!今天就來說說,到底什麼是真實的巴黎
Speak French
No matter which country you visit, I believe it is essential to speak the local language if you plan to stay for an extended period, especially in France. If you cannot communicate in the local language, it can be quite challenging to live there long-term. Imagine trying to speak English in Japan; it may create a sense of discomfort for the locals, and the same can be said for many European countries. Most Japanese people are not proficient in English or even Indo-European languages in general, as these languages differ significantly in many aspects. The situation may be even more difficult with Mandarin and Vietnamese, as these are tonal languages.
An experience that I will remember forever occurred when I was invited to a picnic party. I attended the picnic with my French friend, and it was quite enjoyable at first. However, a French woman approached me and said, in France; you have to speak French. I must admit, I was shocked at that moment because I did not expect her to say that. I found her comment to be quite rude.
無論你去哪個國家,如果你要長期呆在那裡,那麼你就必須說他們的語言。 特別是在法國。 如果你做不到,那麼長期待在那裡真的很難。 只需想像一下您在日本說英語,就會嚇到他們,在歐洲也是如此。 大多數日語在英語甚至總體上講甚至是印歐語系的語言上都不擅長,因為這些語言在許多方面都有很大的不同。 對於普通話和越南語來說,甚至更糟,因為它們是調性語言。
我的經歷讓我永遠銘記在心,我被邀請參加一次野餐聚會。 我和我的法國朋友一起去野餐,開始時感覺很好,直到一位法國婦女告訴我「你在法國,你必須說法語」。well,我不得不說我當下是感到非常震驚的,因為我沒想到她會這樣直接這樣當面告訴我,這個方式讓我覺得那樣有點刻薄。
French people, mean to your face.
As I mentioned in the first point, French people tend to be direct, unlike some Chinese people who may be unkind behind your back. I must say, I agree with the idea that being direct is preferable to being mean in secret.
正如我在第一點所提到的那樣,法國人會當著你的面,對你很刻薄,而不是像大部分的人,從被會說你的壞話。 我必須說,我很同意當著你的面說出來,而不是在背地裡說著你的壞話。
The plumbing is very old
With over 2,000 years of history, Paris is a paradise for architecture enthusiasts. The city serves as a veritable time capsule, brimming with awe-inspiring historic sites and landmarks. While many travelers can easily recognize some of Paris’s most famous monuments, it requires a discerning eye to identify the oldest sites. However, if you encounter this type of standee, you will know that the building is quite ancient.
The plumbing is very old
” Why isn’t there decent plumbing in French houses? ”
What should the French do about this issue? The reality is that decent plumbing requires financial investment, which is why many people in France lack access to it. You might be wondering, have seen that Germany has much better plumbing. Since Germany is also in Europe, why doesn’t France have similar plumbing? that the Germans have been able to afford upgrades to their plumbing systems. Additionally, most French buildings are quite old, making it more challenging to install modern plumbing in older structures compared to new ones.
”為什麼法國房屋中沒有像樣的管道? ”
法國人應該怎麼做? 必須得說,這是需要花錢才能擁有像樣的管道。 這就是為什麼多數的法國房子裡沒有的原因。 你可能會有一個問題:「我發現德國的水管狀況要好得多,德國也在歐洲,那麼法國也應該做可以才對」,老實說,主要是因為德國人負擔得起更換新的管道。
French administration is slow in processing documents
In Paris, the lifestyle of the French people is very relaxed, in contrast to the fast-paced environment in Taiwan. It seems as though time slows down here, yet it has its own set of rules and qualities. I believe this is why so many people are drawn to France; they are captivated by this way of life. Consequently, you will notice that the French truly enjoy life, as they clearly understand how to balance work and leisure, not to mention the importance they place on vacations.
Just like the fifth point I mentioned, Emily’s plumber informed her that he wanted to eat croissants and drink a cup of coffee. Honestly, this kind of response is not typical in other countries. Ultimately, the worker told her that it would take a few days or even weeks to complete the repair. I suppose when you hear this, you might think, “Why is it taking so long to fix it? It could obviously be done all at once.”
Well, as I mentioned earlier, the French know how to enjoy life, which is why you often hear this sentiment. Consequently, the efficiency of the French at work leaves many foreigners astonished when they first arrive in France.
就像第五點,Emily 修水管的工人居然先跟他說:他想要吃可頌、喝咖啡,這在其他國家根本不會出現這種回答,甚至是修水管修到一半停下來,跟你說他要先去吃東西,這要是發生在其他國家,絕對會立刻被翻白眼。而且最後工人還跟他說要花幾天,甚至是幾週的時間才能修好,你心裡一定會想:「這明明就是一下子就可以搞的事情,為什麼要拖這麼久?」正是因為他們太會享受,所以法國人在工作上的效率,是讓很多外國人剛到法國時會傻眼的一件事。但並不是說他們沒有效率,而是有時候需要用一些技巧逼迫他們立刻處理事情。
different way to count floor
The floor numbering system in France differs from that of most other countries. The ground floor in France is referred to as abbreviated as RDC or RC, which essentially represents the zero floor. Consequently, in most countries, what is considered the second floor is referred to as the “first floor.”
法國的樓層算法和大多數國家不太一樣,法國的一樓稱作為Le rez-de-chaussée,縮寫為RDC或RC,基本上是以 0樓 來表示。而在大部分的國家的二樓才是他們所謂的「一樓」。
keep your eye on shit.
Many factors in the city have hindered the resolution of the urination issue in Paris. Firstly, the French have a strong affinity for dogs. When they take their pets for a walk, the dogs often relieve themselves on light poles and trees. Additionally, it is common to encounter dog feces on sidewalks, which contributes to the unpleasant odors in the city.
Before I arrived in Paris, I thought it was a very clean city, much like Japan. However, I quickly noticed dirty sidewalks, graffiti-covered walls, and litter on the streets, which made me realize that I needed to be more cautious while walking around.
該市的許多因素都無法消除巴黎的尿液問題。 首先,法國人喜歡養狗。 當他們帶他們出去散步時,他們在燈桿和樹木上進行“新成代謝”。 更不用說你可以在任何人行道上找到狗屎,這增加了城市的惡臭。
在我到達巴黎之前,我以為巴黎就像日本一樣,是一個非常乾淨的國家。 但是實際上,你總是可以看到骯髒的人行道,塗鴉牆和道路上的一些狗屎,所以在大街上你還是要多小心一些。
you have to be more careful when you press the password of the front door.
In Paris, you need to be more cautious when entering the password for the front door. Based on my experience, one time my roommate and I returned to our apartment and noticed a strange person sitting next to the front door. This made us extra careful when entering the password, as that individual might try to peek at it and gain access to our home.
Another time, when we were about to enter the password for the front door, we noticed someone walking slowly and searching for something. I paused my action of entering the password. The person then reassured us, saying, just passing by, but I completely understood why we were cautious.
As mentioned earlier, do you understand why you should be more cautious when entering the password for the front door in Paris?
在巴黎,按前門的密碼時必須格外小心。 我自己的親身經驗,有一次我和室友回到住所時,我們發現前門旁坐著一個奇怪的人,所以我們在按下密碼時會更加小心。 因為那個奇怪的人可能會偷看我們的密碼並進入內部。
還有一次,當我們要在前門按下密碼時,我們發現有人走得很慢,正在尋找東西,我停止了按下密碼的動作。 然後,那些告訴我們的人不要擔心我只是路過,但我完全理解你為什麼對我保持警惕。
Your bag cannot be placed on the chair.
In Paris, you can never place your bag on the chair next to you.
Paris is renowned for its glamour, exquisite cuisine, romance, and, of course, its fashion. Unfortunately, it is also notorious for pickpockets. Therefore, it is advisable not to place your bag on the chair; instead, keep it on your lap when you sit down.
巴黎以魅力,美食,浪漫以及時尚而聞名。 不幸的是,它還以扒手而聞名,這就是為什麼你不能將包放在椅子上的原因,當你坐下時,應該將包放在腿上。
bread is awesome.
The bread in Paris is exceptional.
Even visitors who are not particularly food-oriented cannot help but be captivated by their first encounter with a traditional Parisian bakery, featuring its enticing and beautifully presented breads, cakes, tarts, and other delicacies.
Honestly, I’m not a fan of bread, but I was pleasantly surprised by the bread in Paris. I must say it’s exceptional, making me want to eat bread only in Paris! Lol.
The smell on the metro is bad.
“You ride on the subway and the smell almost knocks you out. Garlic, sweat — and perfume!”
You detect the scent of garlic because the French, renowned for their culinary skills, use it more liberally than we do. You notice the odor of sweat because the French may rely on inferior substitutes for soap and do not use enough of it. You perceive the fragrance of perfume because French women prefer to smell of perfume rather than the unpleasantness of being unwashed, which they dislike just as much as you do.
“你乘坐地鐵時,味道真的會讓你受不了。 大蒜,汗水和香水!”
你聞到大蒜的味道是因為法國人,他們是高超的廚師,比我們更多地使用大蒜。 你聞到了汗水的味道,因為法國人必須使用非常糟糕的eratz肥皂。 你聞到香水的味道是因為法國女性寧願聞到香水而不是臭味。
The smell on the metro is bad.
Paris Pee Box: The Origins
In the nineteenth century in Paris, public urinals were the first places where homosexuals were feeling free to express themselves. Also, they become a space where resistance forces exchanged secret messages undetected by the enemy.
The Parisian society called these boxes “pissers” or “vespasiennes” at that time and were placed on the sidewalks to meet the natural needs of men. They existed in the city of Paris from 1834 until the penultimate decade of the twentieth century, specifically until 1984.
In 1980 a change of direction in the rules of hygiene in Paris made these urinals disappear. However, the culture of urinating in the street remained in the subconscious of the Parisian. So did the smell of pee in the streets of Paris.
This is according to France travel blog.
巴黎社會當時將這些盒子稱為“小便鬥”或“ vespasiennes”,它們被放置在人行道上以滿足男性的自然需求。從1834年到20世紀倒數第二個十年,特別是到1984年,它們一直存在於巴黎市。
1980年,巴黎衛生規則的改變使這些小便池消失了。 但是,在街上小便的文化仍然存在於巴黎人的潛意識中。 巴黎街頭的尿尿味道也是如此。

Many visitors to Paris who stroll through the streets of the French capital have certain expectations. Unfortunately, the smell of urine should not be one of them.
The fact that French law designates public urination as a crime has not deterred the average citizen. Nearly every location in Paris—avenues, alleys, squares, monuments, and subway station walkways—emanates the odor of urine. No matter where you are, the scent of urine seems to follow you.
許多訪問巴黎並在法國首都的街道上走的人都期待著很多事情。 不幸的是,撒尿的氣味不應該是其中之一。法國法律說,公共小便是一種犯罪,這一事實並沒有阻止普通公民。 巴黎幾乎所有地方都聞起來像尿液,大街,小巷,廣場,紀念碑,地鐵站的人行道等。 無論你在哪,尿液的氣味都會追逐你。